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St. Winefride's Catholic Primary School

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Welcome to Year 3

Welcome to Year 3 

3A: Mrs Ayrton 

3R: Mrs Rajendran  

PE Days: Wednesday and Thursday 


Welcome to 3A and 3R! 

It is going to be a busy and exciting year. We have a whole range of exciting topics planned throughout the year. Our curriculum is designed to promote learning and excellence for all, embedded in the values and beliefs of the Catholic faith. 

We endeavour to ensure that all learners show respect and we constantly remind learners of our School Vision and the Catholic Values that underpin our every action. We as a school will continue to support you in reminding your child of these values and the importance of following our high expectations for learning and behaviour. 

As children move into Year 3, table facts become more important. Children who remember their table facts have an easier time with multiplication, division, and fractions than those who can’t, so it’s a good skill to have. The curriculum in Year 4 and above assumes that children know their times tables facts, which they will have learnt in previous years (year 2 should know the 2s, 5s and 10s and year 3 will focus on the 3s,4s and 8s), so those who have not put in the time and effort to learn them will find their work more challenging. We feel that parental support is essential in helping the children to learn them off by heart – so thank you for putting your time in to helping your child accomplish learning their times tables off by heart.  

Times Table Rock Stars is a great tool to help, but the real test is to get children to take the Multiplication Tables Check on Mathsframe (see link below). 

Helpful links: 

All your support is invaluable and open lines of communication is an essential part of successful school year. Please remember to bring in journals daily, as it is an important communication tool between school and home. 

In 3A and 3R we aim to work hard with high standards but still have a fun and enjoyable year! 


Spelling List 

year 1 and 2 cew.pdf

year 3 and 4 spellings.pdf




Home work Magnets

Knowledge Organisers

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2